Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Agenda:   CNN 10 Student News

Japan's Golden Age

Essential Question: What was life like for the aristocrats during the Heian period?

Prince Shotoku not only unified the people, but helped spread Buddhism throughout Japan. In the century to come, Japan becomes a center of culture and learning. However, this time of peace and unity will not last.

Friday, February 16, 2018


Now that you have learned a little about the diverse geography of Japan, it's time to explore its fascinating history.
Creation Myth

You will learn about the first emperor of Japan; Jimmu. According to legend, how did he become emperor? 

We will read Essay 1. Pay close attention to the reading. A short quiz will follow. This is a way to earn more koku for your group.

Be prepared to play War Lords of Japan.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Watch CNN 10 Student News.

We will leave Medieval Europe and begin our exploration of Medieval Japan. 

You will learn about the geography of Japan by completing the Geo Challenge in TCI.
Go to Japan During Medieval Times. Complete the Introduction. Next, move on to Setting the Stage. You will be completing this with your partner or group.