Sunday, May 13, 2018

What was the impact of physical geography on ways of life in the civilizations of the Americas?

Go to the Geography Challenge in TCI (Setting the Stage).

Follow the directions to complete the map and answer the questions.

You will have 2 periods to complete this assignment in class.

Next, we will read about the Great Mayan and Aztec Empires. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Hideyoshi to Tokugawa

Japan goes through many changes during the period of the warring states.What kind of military leaders were they?

How does Tokugawa make the biggest change to Japan. How does this change affect the countries future? How does this make it original?

Is it possible to close an entire country? Yes.

Japan remained closed for over 250 years under the Tokugawa Shogunate.

What happens when Commodore Perry, from the USA pays Japan a visit?

Sunday, April 8, 2018


CNN 10 Student News

The Way of The Samurai 
What is the Code of Bushido? 

What did the Samurai do to prepare themselves in battle?

Why was self-control so important to the Samurai? 

Sunday, March 25, 2018


CNN 10 Student News

The Rise of the Warrior Class in Japan

What was life like in Medieval Japan during the rise of the Samurai? 

Sunday, March 4, 2018


CNN Student News:  Take notes in your notebooks.

Many emperors concerned themselves only with the gentler matters of practicing their Buddhist religion, writing poetry, and appreciating the finer things in life. This period of calm will not last. Get ready to write your own Haiku.

Soon to come: The rise of the Samurai.
Do you have what it takes to play War Lords of Japan

Week of March 19th: Social Studies Performance Task. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Agenda:   CNN 10 Student News

Japan's Golden Age

Essential Question: What was life like for the aristocrats during the Heian period?

Prince Shotoku not only unified the people, but helped spread Buddhism throughout Japan. In the century to come, Japan becomes a center of culture and learning. However, this time of peace and unity will not last.

Friday, February 16, 2018


Now that you have learned a little about the diverse geography of Japan, it's time to explore its fascinating history.
Creation Myth

You will learn about the first emperor of Japan; Jimmu. According to legend, how did he become emperor? 

We will read Essay 1. Pay close attention to the reading. A short quiz will follow. This is a way to earn more koku for your group.

Be prepared to play War Lords of Japan.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Watch CNN 10 Student News.

We will leave Medieval Europe and begin our exploration of Medieval Japan. 

You will learn about the geography of Japan by completing the Geo Challenge in TCI.
Go to Japan During Medieval Times. Complete the Introduction. Next, move on to Setting the Stage. You will be completing this with your partner or group.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Watch CNN 10 Student News

Remember all Medieval Projects are due this week.

We will continue our study of Medieval Europe with the Crusades; a series of battles for the "Holy Land."

Prepare to go on your crusade for group points.

We will complete our study of Medieval Europe by reading, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A tale of chivalry from the time of the legendary King Arthur.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Watch CNN 10 Student News

Focus Question: What events contributed to the end of feudalism?

What was the 100 year war? Did it really last 100 years?

Who was Joan of Arc? What role did she play in this war?

Complete the section in TCI.
Read article on Joan of Arc. Complete doc in GC: If You Were Joan of Arc. Due: Thursday.

Agree or Disagree?

There is a beast lurking in all of us.

If so, what causes it to emerge?

We will read, Bisclavret, From Lais by Marie de France.