Sunday, October 29, 2017


CNN 10 Student News

What was life like behind the castle walls?

How did these amazing structures keep enemies out? What were some of the most effective defenses?

Parts of a Castle: Due: Wednesday.

Later: We will watch an exurpt from Castles at War. What types of defenses were created to keep the castles safe? What types of devices were used by the attackers to get into a castle?

Sunday, October 15, 2017


CNN Student News

The Focus:
• Describe the land divisions and political organizations of European feudal society.
• Compare and contrast the lives of nobles, knights, and serfs.

TCI: The Development of Feudalism.

Image result for feudal contract
Prepare to fill out your Feudal Contract between the lord and vassals.
Remember to choose wisely.

Monday: Who was William the Conqueror? How did he get his title?
A tapestry depicting the Battle of Hastings

We will read a short article and participate in a readers' theater. 

Go to the GC and find your assignment: If You Were King William, and answer the question in complete sentences. This will be due Wed.

What was life, as a lord living in a castle like? Friday, we will watch a video on castles. You will take notes.

Monday, October 9, 2017


CNN 10 Student News

Remember to copy the definition of Feudalism from the prior blog into your SS notebook.

Think about it:

• How did invasions during the 9th and 10th centuries create a need for the system of feudalism?
• Describe the land divisions and political organizations of European feudal society.
• Compare and contrast the lives of nobles, knights, and serfs.

Prepare to choose a medieval name for yourself and your fiefs. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017


CNN 10 Student News

Introduction to Christendom. You will read an overview of the life in Medieval Europe. Find the main idea in each section. Use your notebook to record your statements. 

Feudalism: A political and economic system of Europe from the ninth century, based on the relation of lord to vassal, as a result of land being held on condition of homage and service.